Bruno (Married at first sight) heavily injured: Alicia saves him!

The candidate of Married at first sight 2022 had a mishap on July 28. While he was in the middle of a football match, Bruno hurt himself. And the news is hardly encouraging for Alicia’s husband, as Internet users were able to discover on August 2.

On the occasion of their 10 months of marriage, Bruno and Alicia – who were 83% compatible – organized a live on Instagram to answer questions from their subscribers. But before that, the 31-year-old civil engineer spoke of an injury he sustained. “Every Thursday, I play indoor football with my colleagues and I injured myself at football last Thursday during a change of direction. For those who don’t know, it’s face to face with another player. I went to one side and my ankle stayed planted on the ground. Suddenly, I hurt myself very very very very badly“, he first explained.

Thanks to Alicia, who is a nurse, Bruno was able to perform emergency medical examinations. He was also able to get a quick appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. If after a fracture, nothing was seen, an ultrasound showed a concern. “On Monday I did a CT scan and in the evening I saw the orthopedic surgeon who confirmed a talus fracture. The talus is what holds the tibia and the ankle“, he revealed. And his wife added: “It’s very rare. The surgeon said that it was strange to do that in football because in general, this type of fracture happens to the yamakasi for example.

Next October, Bruno must undergo an MRI to see if his ligaments are affected. Right now his ankle is too swollen to see anything. “It’s a violent sprain over the violent fracture“said Alicia. In the meantime, Carine’s brother will have to take it easy so as not to aggravate the situation and avoid an operation.”Complete immobilization of the leg for six weeks. I can’t put my foot down. I have a boot and crutches. It’s impossible, I tell you clearly“, he confessed. Every evening, he must also take an injection of anticoagulant in order to avoid phlebitis.

Despite everything, Bruno intends to go on vacation to Portugal with Alicia next weekend.

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