Bruno Retailleau asks that associations leave the system of administrative detention centers


Alexandre Chauveau / Photo credits: Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP

In the viewfinder of the Minister of the Interior: the place of associations in administrative detention centers. Bruno Retailleau considers that their missions in administrative detention centers are the responsibility of the State and thus intends to restrict their role with foreigners awaiting expulsion.

This is a point regularly raised by the right for years: the role of associations in welcoming and managing migrants. Bruno Retailleau wants to tackle it. In an interview with Figaro Magazinethe Minister of the Interior thus considers that their missions in administrative detention centers fall under the State. The tenant of Place Beauvau intends to restrict their role with foreigners awaiting deportation.

Bruno Retailleau wants the missions to be entrusted to the French Office of Immigration and Integration

This is a system that Bruno Retailleau wants to put an end to: that of associations which, although subsidized by the State, increase legal recourse against it. The subsidies are estimated at one billion euros by the Minister of the Interior, who therefore wishes to entrust their missions in administrative detention centers to the French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII), an organization controlled by the state.

In Bruno Retailleau’s viewfinder, associations like Cimade or France terre d’Asile, responsible for providing legal advice to foreigners awaiting expulsion. They are often accused of doing everything to prevent their removal, even though they are mandated by the State. “They are judges and parties,” laments Bruno Retailleau at Figaro Magazine.

Public funding of associations questioned

More broadly, the tenant of Place Beauvau questions the role and public financing of these associations, the number of which is estimated at nearly 1,500. Some of them had been questioned in the past, such as Cimade, which in 2014 opposed the expulsion of Mohammed Mogouchkov, the Chechen terrorist responsible last year for the death of professor Dominique Bernard in Arras. .


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