bruXane from "Die Höhle der Löwen": The dental splint put to the test

In "Die Höhle der Löwen" bruXane won over several investors. The aligner should permanently prevent teeth grinding – does it work? We did the test.

If you grind your teeth at night, you literally wake up in the morning with grief: your head is throbbing, your neck is tense and your jaw is sore from all the nightly exertion. There is not only one technical term for the problem of grinding teeth – bruxism – but now also a solution. In "Die Höhle der Löwen" two founders now presented the "bruXane".

The dental splint works differently than previous models via biofeedback – and it does not have to be worn for a lifetime, but only for a few weeks. Founder Bianca Berk was looking for a long-term cure: "I myself gritted my teeth for a long time at night and suffered severely from the sequelae. I wanted to end that effectively and therefore I did bruXane developed. "

Together with Dr. Jörg Köhler presented her product in the VOX show "Die Höhle der Löwen". With success: the founders were able to win over three lions.

bruXane in "Die Höhle der Löwen": Investors and founders

© TV NOW Bernd-Michael Maurer / Press Office

Stop grinding your teeth in just eight weeks? That sounds like a dream for years of rail supports. We took a closer look at the "bruXane 2go" in the editorial office.

How does bruXane 2go from "Die Höhle der Löwen" work?

The bruxane 2go variant is available in a universal size, so it can be used immediately. You can simply bend the soft material so that it fits your own jaw. The splint is designed so that you bite on two bars. If you start to crunch at night, they hum and vibrate slightly. This so-called biofeedback is intended to subconsciously prevent teeth grinding without waking you up yourself.

Anyone who wears the bruXane 2go for eight weeks should already notice a significant improvement – the splint should not be used for longer. At best, the body has already understood within two months that it should stop grinding teeth.

BruXane 2go in the BRIGITTE test

bruXane dental splint

News editor Mareike has tested:

"Tension, macabre said, could be my middle name. Anyone who knows me well knows that that's why I often have my Grandma Warming Ointment with me. I've also known where the problem lies since my dentist once pointed out that my jaw was also extraordinarily adapted: I crunch, especially when I sleep, especially when I'm under stress.

That's why I've been getting it from my dentist for years a guard for the night prescribed that I wear more or less regularly. Because there is my second problem: I don't like foreign objects in my mouth, I never had braces. So after hearing that a splint could stop me grinding my teeth in a very short time, I knew: I want to try that! Said and done:

At first glance, the bruXane looks pretty big, but also stylish, I think when I open the package. But then I am surprised by the really very flexible material, the rail can be bent easily. In the mouth it sits much more loosely than my normal bite guard and is only held by two molar sensors. I find that much more pleasant – but the splint slips more often at first. The solution is very simple: carry it below instead of above.

I'll be honest: The first few nights were still uncomfortable, I had a constant feeling of pressure because the splint seemed somehow too big for my teeth. I also found it very strange at first to put batteries in my mouth. But these are very well protected.

Long speech, short conclusion: I have the bruXane Only worn a few days now, but it gets better every night. You get used to the bruXane faster than you think and I no longer find the buzzing and vibrating as annoying or intrusive. I will probably never make friends with a splint – but this is precisely why the product is ideal for me if it promises me to crunch less in eight weeks! So I'll stay tuned and excited. "

Tip: If you want to use more than just one aligner against crunching, we recommend this one counselor.

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