Buckingham Palace: Royals fire almost 400 employees

Buckingham Palace remains closed to visitors this year due to the Corona crisis. The traditional opening in the summer months from July to October is canceled. Many jobs remain vacant. As reported by the magazine "People" among others, almost 400 employees of the royal family are affected.

Welcome again next year

Originally, around 380 additional employees were to be employed as field guides or to support the employees on site. However, since the palace remains closed due to the pandemic, those affected have now been informed that their services are no longer needed.

A spokesman for the Royal Collection told People: "The jobs were for approximately 380 temporary summer workers with three-month contracts. They were hired earlier this year for the opening of Buckingham Palace, which is not now taking place." At the same time, the spokesman emphasized that the dismissed "all have been given the option to carry the offer over to the next summer".