Budget 2023: the opposition rejects the government project and angers Attal

Alexis Delafontaine, edited by Yanis Darras

This is a blow for the majority. The debates around the 2023-2027 public finance budget planning bill, which began on Tuesday in the Assembly, did not go as the members of Renaissance wanted. One by one, the articles were rejected by the opposition, angering Gabriel Attal.

The debates will have been electric within the hemicycle. This Tuesday, the National Assembly was debating the 2023-2027 public finance budget planning bill. After several hours of passing arms, the majority came out stunned. Article after article, the opposition rejected the demands of the government. Because in reality, it is only thanks to the goodwill of the Republicans that certain amendments could be adopted. So on the right, we exult: “More than kingmakers, we are the decision-makers”, proclaims a deputy.

Anger by Gabriel Attal

Behind the scenes, another, aware of his importance, did not hesitate to make the sign of life or death with his hands to taunt his comrades. Enough to enrage Gabriel Attal, the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts. “We have the impression that France’s budget is a kind of piñata on which you want to hit as hard as possible to bring it down. The reality is that there is the general interest, convictions and the fact of beating the government which arrives at the top of the pile in your votes”, annoyed the young minister.

The 49-3 to the rescue

Although the articles voted on yesterday are outside the finance bill, they give a taste of the majority of the days to come. But in Macronie, don’t worry, article 49-3 will settle the debate, replies a minister. Only question still unanswered: when will it be used? “Not before Sunday”, estimates a deputy of the majority. Objective for the latter, to avoid strengthening the demonstration against the high cost of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, which will also take place next Sunday.

The only consolation before the resumption of debate today, the Assembly adopted the reform of unemployment insurance, thanks to the votes of the Republicans. The text will allow the government to modulate the parameters giving entitlement to compensation according to the economic situation.

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