Build the Millennium Falcon and other iconic starships in Starfield? It’s possible !

Robin Lamorlette

September 04, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.


Starfield © Bethesda Softworks

© Bethesda Softworks

It didn’t take long for ingenious builders to reproduce iconic ships in Starfield.

They have indeed taken advantage of the early access of this highly anticipated game to indulge in crazy projects such as reproducing the Millennium Falcon, an X-wing and other well-known devices. So many new things to do when you start your adventure on September 6th, when we will also release our test and technical guide for the PC version.

But it is good for the breakage! »

Bethesda’s vast and ambitious new game showcases freedom in many areas. Among the elements most watched at the turn by budding builders: the possibility of customizing your ship. And it would seem that the tools in this area are sufficiently well provided to afford some madness.

Starfield © Robin Lamorlette for Clubic

© Robin for Clubic

Some, much more inspired, than us, for example, have worked hard to reproduce in Starfield, among other iconic ships, the well-known Millennium Falcon of Lando Calrissian and Han Solo. Here is a video from WiLLiSGaming explaining how to achieve this.

To stay in the galaxy far, far away from Star Warsa certain Mr. GGMan also rebuilt the equally iconic X-wing in Bethesda’s very open-world RPG.

A galaxy of possibilities

You will have understood it, the construction of vessels in Starfield is intended to be quite complete. Witness another video of WiLLiSGaming, which also had fun reproducing the Pelican of Halo. Examples of this are already legion.

Rather impressive feats, especially knowing that the title was released in early access only last Friday. There is no doubt that other players will come to wow the gallery after the official release of the game on September 6, and even beyond thanks in particular to the addition of mods, which have long been the rain and shine on Bethesda games.

The modding community has already set to work passionately on Starfield, with at the time of writing these lines a trifle of 400 mods available. And this is certainly only the beginning of the journey through this new galaxy that Bethesda offers us, both for modders and players.

Sources: WiLLiSGaming on YouTube ; Mr. GGMan on YouTube

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