Bullet casing found – shot echoed through district: moped driver suspicious

A man wearing a motorcycle helmet was observed around 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, hitting a pedestrian several times on the back of the head on Leberstrasse in Vienna-Landstrasse. The witness also reported that the suspect then fired a pistol before fleeing on a moped. The victim also left the scene of the crime.

After this incident, the witness alerted the police, who were able to secure a cartridge case at the scene. A suspect, who is said to be a 39-year-old Serbian national, was identified through the license plate number of the moped. Suspect caught, search for victims The Vienna public prosecutor ordered his arrest. The Vienna State Criminal Police Office has taken over the official act. The victim is asked to report to a police station, where information about the incident will be received – confidentially and anonymously if desired.
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