Bungie is suing cheaters in Destiny 2: Cheating pays money – other studios could follow suit


In Bungie games like Destiny 2, cheaters must now beware. The company is suing troublemakers. It’s even supposed to be good business.

Cheaters in Destiny 2 are now being targeted because they harm the game and other players. (Source: Screenshot Activision)

  • Bungie is taking action against a variety of cheaters.
  • The company is suing cheaters and developers behind the cheats used.
  • Bungie’s lawyer thinks it’s a good deal where only the scammers lose.

Bungie, the developer company behind Destiny 2, is filing lawsuit after lawsuit against cheaters, and with good reason.

As Axios reports, Don McGowan, the company’s attorney, thinks this strategy against troublemakers is good business. Cheaters should not be tolerated as they would damage the game on several levels.

When cheaters are rampant, fans stay away from the game because they don’t want to play in a community where some members are cheating. It also sends the signal that winning by dishonest means is acceptable. Bungie now wants to counteract these scammers with lawsuits and fines.

It could be that expensive

The target of lawsuits are not only cheaters, but also the developers behind the cheats used. The company is said to have reached a $13.5 million settlement with a cheater ring last year.

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For cheaters, it will therefore apply in the future that cheating can become very expensive. Perhaps other studios will take tougher action as well, asking cheats to pay.

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