Burglary: our 5 tips to avoid being robbed during your vacation: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

It’s the long-awaited vacation time! The suitcases are packed, the accommodation is booked, and the house is secure. It’s time to take the train or the plane, direction: the sun. However, have you all taken the necessary precautions? Unlike you, burglars don’t take vacations and use summer as an opportunity to break into people’s homes and steal their belongings. To prevent you from being one of these unfortunate people, VerisureEuropean leader in connected alarms with a remote monitoring system, offers you some sound advice.

Find out how to avoid burglaries!

Hide your valuables to avoid aggravated theft

If you have jewelry, computer equipment, artwork, or any other valuable items in the house, it’s best to avoid leaving them lying around in plain sight. Remember to hide them well before leaving to avoid losing everything at once if a burglar breaks into your house. If you have invested in a safe, it must also be hidden. No matter how tamper-proof it claims to be, it is best to avoid arousing the curiosity of an intruder. Place it in a discreet place, out of sight.

Ask a neighbor to empty your mailbox

Nothing screams “gone on vacation” like a mailbox overflowing with mail. To avoid drawing attention to yourself, ask one of your neighbors if they would be willing to empty your box while you are away and keep your mail until you return. This way, nothing will distinguish you from the others and above all nothing will signal your absence to an outside person who might come to spot you. As a reminder, according to data from the ONRP (National Observatory of Delinquency and Penal Responses), 13,500 burglaries took place in June 2020, and 17,400 in August 2020. Be vigilant.

Don’t post too many vacation photos

The sun, the beach, cocktails, evenings, or even stays in pretty hotels… On vacation we want to immortalize everything with photos, to preserve beautiful memories. In the age of social media, it’s even worse, since photos don’t stay on the device long before ending up on Facebook or Instagram. Verisure advises not posting too many vacation photos on social media while you’re away, especially if your profile isn’t secure. This would indicate to malicious people that you are far from home and that the coast is clear. Nothing stops you from posting them on the web once you return from your trip. The photos will always be just as beautiful!

Do not leave a message on your answering machine

“We went on vacation and will be back on July 22, please leave us a message.” An absence message left on your answering machine is a signal to a malicious person that you are not there. Even worse if you reveal in this message the period during which you will be absent. Protect your property and your privacy by refraining from leaving this type of information within the reach of all strangers who will dial your telephone number. Ditto for absence emails which indicate the same thing. It is best to say it out loud to your interlocutors before leaving or leaving the mystery hanging. Your emails and other phone calls can wait a few days.

Equip yourself with an alarm and remote monitoring system

To be warned in good time of an imminent danger in your home, your best option is still the alarm system and the surveillance camera. These two systems will allow you to keep an eye on everything that is happening at home while you are away, and to alert the neighborhood in the event of a problem. You can also notify law enforcement near you of your trip so that they are alert in the event of a burglary or intrusion of any kind into your property.

What deters burglars?

Several security measures can deter burglars and reduce the risk of burglary and theft. Installing security systems such as surveillance cameras, alarms and signs indicating the presence of a security system can deter burglars. Good exterior lighting can make your property less attractive to burglars. Lamps with motion sensors can be particularly effective in illuminating dark areas when activity is detected. Strong doors and windows, equipped with sturdy locks, can provide a deterrent physical barrier. Also reinforce door and window frames. Avoid displaying valuable items such as jewelry, expensive electronics, or other valuable possessions that could attract the attention of burglars.

What month has the most burglaries?

According to Verisure, the summer season, marked by vacation departures, remains a risky period appreciated by burglars. The months of July and August particularly stand out with high activity, representing 9% and 9.5% of confirmed alarm signals respectively with thefts also increasing.

What to do in the event of a burglary?

If you come home and the burglars are still there, it can be dangerous. In the event of a burglary, stay in a safe place outside and call the police immediately. Avoid touching anything in the area affected by the burglary to avoid compromising possible evidence. Leave the investigative work to the police. Call the police emergency number to report the burglary. Provide them with as much information as possible, such as the number of burglars, details of their appearance, and any other relevant information. Take photos of the affected area and damaged items. These photos can be useful for insurance and police investigations. Make a detailed list of the stolen items, including as much information as possible (make, model, serial number, etc.). Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the burglary and provide them with all the necessary information. This will make the claims process easier.

Burglary: how to get reimbursed?

During burglaries, many thefts are observed. Getting reimbursed after a burglary generally involves several steps. The first step is to report the burglary to the appropriate authorities. Contact the police immediately and provide them with all the necessary information. Promptly inform your insurance company of the burglary. Be prepared to provide details such as the date, time, a list of stolen items and any other information the insurer may request. Some insurers have specific deadlines for reporting claims, so act quickly. Your insurer will probably ask you for proof of the burglary. This may include the police report, photos of the damage, a list of stolen items, and any other documents the insurer may require. Familiarize yourself with the terms of your insurance policy, particularly your home insurance. Check for exclusions and coverage limits. This will help you understand what is reimbursable and to what extent. Once the insurer has assessed the claim, they will provide you with compensation based on the coverage provided by your policy. Be aware that some policies may have a deductible, meaning you will have to pay a certain amount before receiving compensation.

Read also :

⋙ Burglary: the keys to protecting yourself

⋙ Burglary: how to be compensated?

⋙ Burglaries: find out when they most often take place

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