businesses and offices must consume less and better, says a report

Tertiary buildings (shops and offices) in France represent a huge lever for energy savings and the deployment of energy management systems would make it possible to adapt the country to the deployment of renewable energies, according to a report published Monday.

“Today, only 6% of tertiary buildings of more than 1,000 m are equipped with an energy management system and the equipped buildings do not systematically use the potential of these systems,” according to this report from the commission. of energy regulation (CRE), “co-piloted” by the Schneider Electric group.

While the electrification of uses progresses, the deployment of renewable energies such as wind and solar, which are inherently random, “modifies the structural availability of carbon-free electricity”, underlines the report.

Hence the need to be able to shift and modulate certain uses such as heating, ventilation, air treatment or the charging of electric vehicles.

The stakes are high: on a winter day, these tertiary buildings and the residential sector represent a total of 70% of French electricity consumption, according to RTE, the manager of the high voltage network.

A decree published in 2020 set the objective of “equipping all existing and new tertiary buildings with automation and control systems by January 1, 2025”, for the largest, i.e. buildings of more than 2,000 meters. squares.

An objective extended in April by a new decree, to smaller buildings, of around 1,000 m2, which must be equipped before 2027.

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