But no visa restrictions: USA does not impose sanctions against International Court of Justice

But no visa restrictions
USA does not impose sanctions against International Court of Justice

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court requests an arrest warrant for Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Joav Galant. The result is a political earthquake. Criticism is also voiced in the USA. But Washington rejects punishments against the institution.

The US government is opposing sanctions against the International Criminal Court after applying for arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior Hamas officials. The government is deeply concerned about the “reckless haste” of the chief prosecutor in applying for arrest warrants against senior Israeli officials, the White House said. “At the same time, the government opposes the imposition of sanctions against the International Criminal Court, its staff, its judges, or those who support its work.”

The background to this is a bill that has been introduced in the US House of Representatives. It provides for sanctions and visa restrictions against foreign nationals who support the International Criminal Court’s efforts to conduct certain investigations and prosecutions. There are more effective ways to defend Israel and promote international justice and accountability, the White House said. The US government is ready to work with Congress on these options.

In May, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court requested an arrest warrant for alleged crimes against humanity against Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Joav Galant. Arrest warrants were also requested against the leader of the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Jihia al-Sinwar, and other Hamas representatives. Biden reiterated at the time that the US government rejected the chief prosecutor’s actions. He spoke of a “shameful” approach. There is no equality between Israel and Hamas, said the US president. Like Israel, the USA is not a member of the court.

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