buyers are abandoning Paris in favor of the regions

According to a study published by SeLoger, stocks of property for sale have melted over the last two years, but not necessarily in areas that were deemed attractive yesterday. Paris, for example, stocks are reforming. Proof that many buyers are leaving the capital for the benefit of rural communities.

Paris, is it over? If the French capital obviously retains an attraction for many, a study published by SeLoger on April 7 notes that the health crisis and the urban exodus that it has not failed to cause are not unrelated to this rebalancing of housing stocks in the capital.

Paris, more goods and falling prices

Clearly, for the past two years, the real estate situation has been easing in Paris. While the annual number of real estate advertisements fell by -6% during the year preceding the Covid-19 pandemic, there has since been a +9.2% increase, i.e. an increase of +4.6% each year on average.

An increase in the number of goods which logically induces a drop in prices. If they soared before the Covid crisis (+10.8% over one year), the two confinements got the better of this trend, even if the drop remains moderate (-3.2% over the last two years) .

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But then, who benefits from this desire elsewhere? surprisingly, the big provincial cities are not necessarily taken by storm, according to SeLoger. Thus, in Toulouse, stocks are being rebuilt (+ 6.1% over the last two years) and the rise in prices is slowing (+ 11.7% before the health crisis vs + 4.8% post-Covid). Same observation Rennes, where there is even a decline in tension (2% more buyers than goods sold today against 27% 2 years ago).

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According to the real estate group’s study, it is therefore towards rural municipalities that city dwellers flock in search of green spaces. In these municipalities, SeLoger thus notes a reduction in the volumes of goods to be purchased: By upsetting the search criteria for buyers (more space, an exterior, a better quality of life…), By resuscitating the second home market, the health crisis will undoubtedly have enabled medium-sized towns and peri-urban areas to take their revenge on the metropolises. An attractiveness that has a cost: with a 21% drop in the number of properties since the start of 2020, prices have soared (+11.9% in two years).

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