Unfortunately, she did not escape either. Friday June 5, 2020, Karine Le Marchand was a guest on the show C to you, broadcast on France 5. After recounting an argument with the rather funny police, the presenter of Love is in the meadow looked at a much more serious subject. Indeed, a few days after the death of George Floyd in the United States following police violence, all of the columnists tried to approach the broad prism of racism in France. For Karine Le Marchand, you have to be careful "with amalgams" who would tend to put all the police in one basket. However, she did not hesitate to strongly condemn the racism and misogyny that rages on social networks of which she is the first victim.
Karine Le Marchand's skin color seen as a barrier
But it is not only on social networks that Karine Le Marchand has been the subject of intolerable remarks. When Jean-Michel Aphatie talks about discrimination based on the accent of certain journalists in the provinces, Karine Le Marchand immediately makes the connection with an experience of ordinary racism experienced a few years earlier. "We also asked ourselves the question with my skin color", dropped the flagship presenter of M6, stirring the curiosity of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine. "Who wondered about your skin color?", she asked. "France 5, before I was offered Kindergartens, I knew after they had asked themselves the question of whether it was not segmenting", said Karine Le Marchand, somewhat embarrassed. "But they said no, and they took me. But they asked themselves the question", she added.
An experience that dates back to 2004 but which clearly marked the presenter. And this is not the last experience of racism of which it was the subject. Last April, the mother of little Alya shared on her Instagram account, screenshots of racist private messages which violently insulted her, accusing her in particular of "allow yourself to insult real French people with real skin color". A bad memory that the presenter preferred to sweep away with the back of her hand.
Read also : "Tonight at Baba's": Karine Le Marchand shocked the chroniclers after her joke on Franck Ribéry