The coronavirus epidemic is declining globally in Europe, but in some countries such as Germany, it is worrying. In France, certain barrier gestures of social distancing have not been observed since the end of deconfinement. Sunday, June 21, 2020, during the Fête de la Musique, many revelers met in several major cities in France. Images of collective jubilation which left a bitter taste for some. Gilbert Deray, head of the nephrology department at Pitié-Salpétrière in Paris, spoke on Monday June 22, 2020 in the program C to you sure France 5. "With the deconfinement I had the impression that we were going to enter a slightly different posture"says the professor of medicine."The pandemic in the world is blazing and everyone is forgetting it", adds the scientist before raising the possibility of a second epidemic wave.
"It is not possible that we reconfigure the country it would be a disaster"
"There have never been so many cases and deaths in the world", certifies Gilbert Deray who then explains that the specter of a second wave of contamination is real. "I told you before, the world in the last hundred years, epidemics have all experienced second waves"continues the doctor."When you add it all up plus the persistence of the outbreak, yes the epidemic and the second wave can come back"., he said before explaining that the country should then focus on how to deal with such a case, in order to avoid reconfinement."It is not possible that we reconfigure the country it would be a disaster", he concludes.
Read also : "C to you": is the epidemic really "coming to an end"? Doctor Philippe Juvin responds to Didier Raoult