C-V2X protocol, or how to make road users communicate automatically with each other

Behind the C-V2X communication protocol, the idea is to be able to make connected cars communicate with each other, but also with motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians and the various road infrastructures, all equipped with dedicated sensors.

This technology has been in the test phase for several years now with many car manufacturers, before being definitively validated. Meanwhile, the 5G network has continued to expand. In the United States, the network should cover the majority of major highways by 2025.

The C-V2X protocol is therefore based on ultra-reactive connectivity, for practical uses, particularly in terms of security. In the case of two cars equipped with this technology, an audible alert is sent when there is a real risk of collision. If the driver of the car does not react, the automatic braking system is automatically triggered. If other road users, motorcyclists or cyclists, are also equipped with dedicated sensors, the car will also be able to locate them perfectly in space and the driver will be alerted to their presence in a blind spot, for example.

Among the other possible scenarios, there is that of interacting with traffic lights in order to make traffic flow more smoothly, or even to be immediately notified that a parking space is available nearby. In any case, this technology will also be an essential element in the development of fully autonomous vehicles.

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