CAF social aid, do they have to be declared?

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In France, there are many social and family benefits, most of which are not subject to income tax. So, are family benefits paid by the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) part of the lot?

There declaration 2023 of your 2022 income, on the tax site, is in progress. An obligation synonymous with headaches for many. So what about people receiving family benefits paid by the family allowance fund (CIF)? This crutch, which helps tens of millions of French people every year, is part of the social aid paid by public bodies. tax exempt on income. This rule concerns all allowances, premiums and income paid by CAF, namely: family allowances, family supplement, housing allowances, education allowance for disabled children (AEEH), allowance family support (ASF), the AAH, the back-to-school allowance, the AJPP, or even the PCH.

This total exemption also applies the agricultural social mutuality (MSA), housing allowances: personalized housing assistance (APL), social housing allowance (ALS) and family housing allowance (ALF), activity bonus, active solidarity income (RSA), the exceptional aid paid to you according to certain social criteria, such as the “Christmas bonus”, the benefits received if you or a member of your family are disabled, as indicated the official site of the French administration. Also note that “the total exemption relates to social assistance paid by public bodies”.

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Taxes 2023: these aids that you must declare

While CAF aid is not subject to tax, it is important to note that crutches paid by companies can be, for their part, taxable under certain conditions. Restaurant vouchers are exempt up to €6.50 and up to €1,709.28 for holiday vouchers. The exemption ceiling not to be exceeded amounts to €700 (€200 for fuel) for the costs of a personal vehicle or those of the mobility package for the bicycle. Another example, the transport costs (public transport) paid for by the company are 50% exempt and the universal service employment check (CESU) or personal assistance service package up to €2,301 per year.


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