calculate your number of past lives

You don’t need to be an expert in mathematics or numerologist to calculate your number of past lives! Your date of birth and a few additions will suffice.

According to the ancestral study of numbers, your date of birth also determines the number of past lives you have lived and your life path. The calculation method used to find this mysterious figure is rather simple. You just need to add each number of your date of birth one by one until you reach a number. This is your past life number.

Example of calculating the number of past lives

If you were born on February 17, 1992, you will have to add 1 + 7 (your day of birth) + 2 (month of birth) + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 (year of birth). The total is 31.

Make a final addition to end up with a single digit. Or 3 + 1. The result is 4.

If you were born on February 17, 1992, you have lived 4 past lives before this one and your Life Path is number 4. You can use this Life Path number to learn more about your destiny.

Master numbers

Logically, the answer is between 1 and 9. On the other hand, if your total is 11, 22 or 33, these are magic numbers. Stop adding up and congratulate yourself for having a more original life path than everyone else.

According to numerologist and author Tracee Dunblazier, the numbers 11, 22 and 33 are considered master numbers. “You can always reduce everything to a single digit but the master number has a more powerful meaning because it represents all the universal dynamics that participate in your life and your destiny ” she explains to Bustle magazine.

For the numerologist, this number is just a drop in the ocean of the mystical study of numbers. She explains that we have probably lived hundreds of lives! But this number can help you more easily visualize those past lives and imagine what they taught you.

Fun test: how many lives have you already lived?

Dan Hastings

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