Call for strike by social and medico-social workers

Several unions are calling on social and medico-social employees to go on strike on Tuesday to demand wage increases and improved working conditions. Rallies and demonstrations are planned in around fifty cities in France, according to the organizers. In Paris, a demonstration will leave at 2:00 p.m. from the Ministry of Solidarity, avenue Duquesne (7th), to head towards the Place de la République.

A general meeting will then be held at the Labor Exchange to decide on the follow-up to be given to the movement. “It is impossible to do our job properly and to welcome the population with dignity, as we lack the human and financial means“, denounce in a joint statement Federation health and social action CGT, SNUASFP FSU, SUD social health and the commission of mobilization of social work IDF, which ask for the recruitment of “qualified staff to meet the needs“. The unions are also demanding a wage increase of at least 300 euros and their indexation to inflation. “It is intolerable to lose the power to live because of the virtual freeze of our wages for 20 years“, they point.

SEE ALSO – France, champion of strikes?

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