Call from Apotheken Umschau: You should not accept this prize


If you receive a call saying that you have won a pharmacy prize draw, you should hang up immediately. Otherwise it could be very expensive for you.

You’d better not answer this call. (Source: sevendeman / / Collage Netzwelt)

Whether you read it or not, everyone is familiar with Apotheken Umschau. The magazine is available in numerous pharmacies and provides information on all aspects of health and medicine. The magazine, published by Wort & Bild Verlag, also contains puzzles. If you take part and solve them, you could win some tempting prizes if you’re lucky.

If Apotheken Umschau calls you to congratulate you on your win, you won’t have much reason to celebrate. It’s actually an attempt at fraud. The callers want to force you to subscribe to a magazine and are abusing the reputation of the long-established magazine to do so. The callers don’t shy away from using psychological pressure to entangle you in the cost trap. They claim that you can only receive your prize if you take out a subscription.

Susanna Licht, a lawyer in the legal department of Wort & Bild Verlag, reveals in a statement how you can immediately recognize that it is a spam call:

Wort & Bild Verlag never contacts the winners by telephone and does not pass on any data to third parties.

Susanna Light

A call cannot therefore come from Apotheken Umschau. If you win a prize draw, you will only be notified in writing. In addition, the magazine would never pressure you into signing up for a subscription.

Respond correctly to the call

If the scammers call you, do not under any circumstances give out any personal information, such as your address or payment information. Also, think carefully about whether you even took part in the latest prize competition run by Apotheken Umschau.

Don’t let the scammers’ rhetoric put you off and don’t do anything over the phone. If you notice that something is wrong or you are being pressured, hang up immediately. That’s the best advice we can give you anyway. Hang up and block the number. Then you will still be safe.

If you or someone you know has fallen for the scam, contact the police immediately and file a report. If your payment details have been disclosed, you should also contact your bank.

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