Call of Duty: a big announcement for Game Pass and two teasers full of clues

The revelation of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is imminent, Activision And Microsoft have already confirmed the name of the game and have given us an appointment after the Xbox Games Showcase 2024 for a Black Ops 6 Direct, early next month. But the studios continue the teaser with two new videos :

The first confirms the historical context of this Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, which will take us back to the early 90s, in the middle of the Gulf War, a conflict which pitted the United States, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom and France against Iraq, then led by Saddam Hussein. The latter is also visible via archive images in the teaser above, just like other political figures from the other camp. A second video in live action stages actors and actresses in the roles of Bill Clinton, Colin Powell, Margaret Thatcher, George HW Bush and of course Saddam Husseinall agreeing on one point: the official truth is a lie, this will be the theme of this CoD: BO6.

The video ends by revealing the official visual of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, with a kneeling man, armed with two pistols, a recurring position in the franchise. The first teaser already has something to delight fans, with a sitcom titled Frank’s Woodsof the same name as a recurring character in the license, or even a very furtive image of a chair, recalling the torture ofAlex Mason. But above all, Microsoft And Activision officially announce that “Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will be available on the day of its release in Game Pass”, confirming the rumors. A real boon for all subscribers on PC and Xboxbut the players PlayStation will still have to checkout to afford the game at launch.

To find out everything about Call of Duty: Black Ops 6see you on June 9, after Xbox Games Showcase which will begin at 7:00 p.m. In the meantime, you can find Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War from €25 on Amazon, Cdiscount And Fnac.

Editor – Tester

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