Call of Duty Black Ops 6 blows up once again a few days before its release and it promises to be very heavy. Only a few more days to wait!
The new Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is arriving soon and if we cannot talk about a highly anticipated release, it is an unmissable event for many players. This COD Black Ops 6 also caused a lot of discussion when it was announced, but especially during its beta phases because of what differentiates it from all other CODs: its movement mechanics. It seems that change is ultimately not to everyone’s taste. You have to know.
A COD that takes risks to change its gameplay
Hailed by many players, “omnimovement” is also ardently criticized by others, generally more vocal and angry on social networks. Many chant that Call of Duty is dead or that it doesn’t look like anything. Others are more measured and wait to see what it will be like once the game is finally released. “Omnimovement” is a new movement mechanic brought with this Call of Duty Black Ops 6 which clearly makes movements and action in general more dynamic. You can move quickly in all directions, do parkour fluidly or even dive like in John Woo films (the ref, I know).
This makes for particularly nervous gunfights, more so than any other Call of Duty, and not everyone likes this most radical change for the franchise. No matter for the moment, Treyarch does not intend to change its plans and is even taking advantage of a new trailer to promote it once again.
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 blows it all up in its new trailer
The Studio has just shared a final launch trailer to prepare players for the arrival of its big FPS. While the focus is primarily on the campaign, the playable character can be seen diving and moving quickly on several occasions. Action will be at the center of everything. A feeling of action from the 80s and 90s emerges from this trailer, something that we had already noted during our first handling.
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 will take place during the Gulf War while a clandestine force will simultaneously infiltrate the upper echelons up to the secret services. Obviously, a gigantic threat will quickly emerge, and Black Ops will find itself trapped and hunted. A synopsis accompanied by numerous sequences of unbridled action, explosions and hallucinatory scenes, in the purest tradition of the Black Ops series. Treyarch is actually pretty good when it comes to its narrative campaigns. While everyone makes fun of the fact that Call of Duty’s story modes last an afternoon, Treyarch’s FPS games are generally the longest and, above all, the best written. It remains to be seen whether this Call of Duty Black Ops 6 will take up the challenge of surprising us. For now, the trailer promises very heavy stuff, like every year. See you on October 25 on PS5, Xbox Series, PC and old gen consoles to find out for sure.
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