Call of Duty Black Ops 6: Fans speculate about returning characters – who would you be happy about?


Various characters from the series could return for Call of Duty Black Ops 6. Take part in our survey and tell us whose return you would be most happy to see.

Fans speculate about the return of well-known characters for Call of Duty Black Ops 6. (Source: Youtube/Call of Duty)

  • Well-known characters are expected to return for Call of Duty Black Ops 6.
  • The return of Frank Woods and Russell Adler is as good as confirmed.
  • Mason, Park and Sims could also be back.

With Call of Duty Black Ops 6, Activision could bring back various features from the Black Ops series. Various leakers report, among other things, the return of a wonder weapon and a popular rocket launcher.

Aside from these leaks, there is also speculation about which well-known characters will appear in the upcoming title. For example, the antagonists Naga, Wraith, Jackal and Kitsune from Black Ops: Cold War are said to be back.

There is now further speculation in the comments on an X-post (Twitter post) from Detonated. Some fans suspect that the characters Frank Woods, Russell Adler, Alex Mason, Jason Hudson, Helen Park and Lawrence Sims could return.

Return of familiar characters

The return of Woods and Adler has already been as good as confirmed. There is a separate blog post about Woods and you can find a clue about Adler in Warzone. In the Battle Royale mode, posters are distributed on which the CIA agent is shown as a wanted person.

There are no clues about the other characters yet. However, given Hudson’s death in Black Ops 2, it is unlikely that he will appear in Black Ops 6.


How much do you know about the Call of Duty series?

(Source: Steam)

When was the very first Call of Duty released?

The return of Mason and Park is possible. Depending on your gameplay decisions, these characters could survive the events of Black Ops 2 and Cold War.

Sims could also return, as he survived the events of Cold War. But whose return do you want the most? Vote in our poll.

Without an official announcement, it remains unclear for now which well-known characters will actually return. If the story of Black Ops 6 takes place before the events of Black Ops 2 and Cold War, characters who have already died could also reappear.

Activision may reveal more news about this during the upcoming live stream. Until then, you can pass the time by playing these free shooters.

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