Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: All Movement and Combat Changes Explained


For Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, the development studio has made various adjustments to movement and combat. We give you an overview of the various changes.

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 you can expect various changes to movement and combat. (Source: Youtube/Call of Duty)

  • Slide Canceling is available in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
  • However, Slide Canceling does not recharge the Tactical Sprint.
  • There are also further changes to movement and combat.

For Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Sledgehammer Games has made some changes to bring the gaming experience in line with older titles in the iconic shooter series. In addition to the return of detailed weapon statistics and the mini-map with red dots, there are also numerous adjustments to movement and combat.

Among other things, the development studio has reintroduced “Slide Canceling” for the new shooter. This is a movement technique that was once even present in Modern Warfare 2 before the developers removed this feature.

“Slide Canceling” explained

With “Slide Canceling” you combine your slide button with the sprint and jump buttons to temporarily increase your movement speed. This technology also enables faster response to firefights.

By canceling the slide, you eliminate the short delay that normally occurs when you start shooting while sprinting. In previous titles in the series, “Slide Canceling” also re-charged the “Tactical Sprint”.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 – Remastered maps from Modern Warfare 2

Sledgehammer Games has reworked 16 mutiplayer maps from the previous title for Modern Warfare 3. This is what the modified maps look like.

This function is no longer available in Modern Warfare 3, but in the new perk system you can equip the “Tactical Pads” to compensate for the reduced movement speed caused by the “Tactical Sprint”.

Changes to movement and combat

According to the development studio, Modern Warfare 3 is particularly characterized by fast-paced, responsive movements that allow players to move nimbly across the map in search of the next objective.


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To ensure this experience, Sledghammer Games has made some adjustments to movement and combat, which we have compiled for you in the list below.

  • “Reload Canceling” – allows canceling reload animations
  • Climb faster on and over objects while sprinting
  • Instant fire while sliding, including a perk that allows you to aim downwards while sliding (ADS)
  • Increasing the duration of the “Tactical Sprint”. “Tactical Sprint” also recharges while sprinting
  • Increased base speed when sneaking during ADS

By the way, ADS stands for the English term “Aim Down Sight”. In this stance, your character typically looks through the scope or points the weapon’s sights downward to increase accuracy when shooting.

In addition to these adjustments, the development studio has also introduced a new fighting stance called “Tac Stance” and increased the HP number in multiplayer to 150. You can experience the impact of these changes yourself during the beta phase.

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