Callus: These budget remedies make removal easy

No plane at hand, but the calluses on the feet have to go? With these budget funds, the removal is gentle.

The warm summer days call for sandals, well-groomed feet are a must. But what if unsightly calluses on heels, balls of the feet and toes spoil the joy of wearing summery kicks? At home, you can counteract this with the right budget.

Lemon juice

Callus on the feet can be treated with the acid of lemons. To do this, cut the citrus fruit in half, place the cut side on the appropriate foot region and rub in for about ten minutes. Alternatively, a lemon wedge can be fixed to the foot using a bandage. Leave it on overnight and then treat your feet with coconut oil. The citric acid removes dead skin cells, after several applications soft feet are the result.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a similar effect on calloused skin. If you don't want to take the smell of the liquid to bed overnight via a cotton pad and bandage, you can consider an appropriate foot bath. To do this, put about 100 milliliters of apple cider vinegar in a bowl, put your feet in it and fill it up to the ankles with lukewarm water. After a quarter of an hour, take a pumice stone and gently remove the loosened skin flakes.


Calluses can also be tackled with a natural sea salt peeling. This is mixed with one tablespoon each of olive oil and sea salt and massaged into the affected foot areas. The peeling should then take effect for five to ten minutes before rinsing off under warm water using a pumice stone. If you repeat this procedure several times a week, you can soon look forward to delicate feet and summery sandal looks.
