Camille Cottin and Benjamin Mahon: the actress makes a rare appearance with her partner in Cannes

This May 23, Camille Cottin and his partner Benjamin Mahon will take a break from the red carpet at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. A rare moment!

La Croisette is in ébullition since the last 14 May. As every year, the 2024 Cannes Film Festival brings together all the biggest names in the seventh art world and stars from across the globe. Every day, celebrities drape themselves on the red carpet to watch the films presented on their birthday. An opportunity to show your sense of style.

Ainsi, ce May 23rd, we have a chance to have a veritable display of mode for the mountain of the film marches Love Ouf Realized by Gilles Lellouche. Lors de l’événement, nous avons vu François Civil and Adèle Exarchopoulos très complices devant les photographs, mais un other couple a attiré l’attention.

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Camille Cottin and his companion at the Cannes Film Festival

Sur le tapis rouge du film Love Ouf, nous avons aperçu Camille Cottin, maîtresse de la cérémonie d’ouverture du festival de Cannes 2024. She has a fait mouche lors du lancement de la quinzaine with a discussion engaged, elle a toutant fait parler pour sa venue à la projection. Pourquoi? Parce que The comedian appeared on the red carpet with his companion Benjamin Mahon.

For the occasion, the couple seems more elegant than they are. Camille Cottin portrayed a magnificent long dress from the House of Dior. Embroidered with pearls, this customized piece consists of an accumulation of silver pearls at the level of the necklace giving the illusion of a necklace. His companion, he, chose an absolutely perfect black butterfly costume. A real shock duo!

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The couples in Cannes

Camille Cottin and Benjamin Mahon have their sons with a sensation on the rouge tapestries. The other couples of stars also attract the attention of the photographers from the girls’ appearances. Parmi eux, on compte sans aucun doute Pierre Niney and son épouse Natasha Andrews qui ont monté les marches pour the film The Count of Monte Cristo.

More recently, these are Vincent Cassel and Narah Baptista who will be screened together at the Cannes Film Festival during the the projection of Parthenope. Et le moins que l’on puisse dire, c’est qu’à chaque fois, les couples nous ont coupé le souffle !


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