Camille Lou changed radically her look, she is meconnaissable on Instagram

In recent times, the actor Camille Lou has an appearance with different styles, on February 12, 2024, the singer and the French actor are 31 years old and have a new look in the story of their Instagram account . Elle is meconnaissable!

Alors que TF1 a noncé l’été dernier l’adaptation live du dessin animé des années 80 inspired du manga japonais Cat’s Eyes, nous avons appris que la belle Camille Lou interprets the personnage of Tamara Chamade, the trois sœurs Chamade, gerantes d’un café et voleuses d’œuvres artistiques la nuit ! A trio complete with two French actors: Constance Labbé in the dance Balthazar on TF1 and Claire Romain who plays Ambre in I’m about to start. Si l’actrice de Je te promets A short break in the cinema career of 2023, the film will be revitalized by the names of the projects not in the film Chasse gardée The mini series will be released on December 20th Anthracite diffusée prochainement sur Netflix ainsi que l’adaptation de Cat’s Eyes Don’t leave the tour until Paris in November. D’ailleurs, on the other hand, is for the besoins of the series, but the comedy also appears with a new look on Instagram.

The suite après this publicity

Camille Lou’s cheveux teints en noir with an extra-large frange

If you work with Camille Lou on your 31-year-old actress with a blonde hairstyle, she’s also the one who isn’t plus the casing! In effect, during the 2023 anniversary, the young woman is resenting the besoin de retrouver ses racines en revenant à sa color d’origine un joli châtain. A color that has an aura that lasts for a long time and is a pleasure to watch for the series Cat’s Eyes, Camille Lou takes on her black hair to reassemble a maximum personality of Tamara Chamade. A change in look that the actress also has a comment in an entrevue Télé Loisirs: “Je vais rester ainsi jusqu’à la fin du tournage. This color me perturbe beaucoup, car ça durcit mes traits. This also means that the rajouts are très réalistes pour que Tam ait a grande queue de cheval qui s’envole pendant les cambriolages».

The suite après this publicity

On February 12, 2024, the young woman appeared in the company of the coiffeur hair stylist Félix PGT on Instagram story with a new haircut! It is possible that the actor wears a perruque for the besoins of the tournage, which is reflected in the hair’s two complexions and the black surmontés of an extra-large frange that encadrant the visage!

Les peoples? All the world! Passionnée des médias, réseaux, séries, films, et enquêtes d’investigations en all genres, c’est naturellement que Jessica s’est tournée vers l’écriture et qu’elle prend …

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