Camille Raymond married, 4 children and an unexpected conversion… with a famous policy!

Camille Raymond will have burst the screen in the 1990s, for her heroine status in the series First Kisses. And if she kept the role of Justine Girard thereafter, in all the excesses of the program, college years until mysteries of lovewhose 26th season aired last year, it gave up the cameras in order to concentrate on her new professional field and take care of her children.

A passage in her life that she should probably mention in the documentary They shone on TV, what happened to them? which will air this Friday, July 29, 2022 on TFX. Din the columns of Pocket TV, she revealed that she had worked in finance and had given birth to several children, named Vanilla, Thaïs, Dune and Virgile according to The Women’s Journal.

Soon on the boards?

“After my master’s degree, I did an internship in a trading room. Then, I was taken to Sciences-Poshe summarizes in the columns of Pocket TV. I had my daughter very early and I joined the world of advertising. I had three more children and in 2013 I was recruited by the IMF (International Monetary Fund) in Washington where I worked for five years with Christine Lagarde. Finally, in 2018, we returned to France where I joined the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)“, she confided.

A career at the antipodes of his life as an artist at the time, which did not escape his former and current colleagues. When I was at the IMF, Christine Lagarde confessed to me that his daughter-in-law was completely a fan [des Mystères de l’amour, NDLR]she adds. At OECD they tease me a bit, but more about the hairstyles and outfits I wore during my AB period“, she said.

Regarding her possible return or not to television, she has already said this: Today, if someone offered me something, I would be tempted… but I love what I do at the OECD (…) But a role in the theater, being on the boards in the evening, I would love that“. Enough to give ideas to certain directors!

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