Camping with kids: 12 things to learn from it

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12 things you’ll learn from camping with kids

Going camping with kids is great, really! But there are also many surprises. We learned these 12 lessons on a camping holiday.

1. You always pack too much.

This is especially true for toys. No, you don’t need a complete collection of games, five kilos of sand toys, the shovel, 15 books, dolls, stuffed animals. After all, the children have nature or the sea or other children or everything together. The stuff from home is completely uninteresting.

2. You always pack too little.

Matches for example. And corkscrew. Or chairs – you can’t do without them, unless you’re a yoga master who likes to spend hours sitting cross-legged on the floor. But what really always missing are flashlights. It’s best if you take ten with you. Because they are always gone. Mostly children have something to do with it. Which brings us to the next point:

3. You spend 85 percent of your vacation searching.

“Where did I put the diapers again?” “Has anyone seen the pacifier?” “The badminton? I don’t know where you put the badminton, look in the box…” Maybe some parents organize their camping stuff perfectly. Everyone else is looking. And search. And search.

4. You can save yourself hikes.

Because you cover enough kilometers on the campsite. To the loo. To the shower. When collecting wood. When collecting children. Cleaning up. But above all when searching (see above).

5. You’ll sleep STILL less than usual.

You thought you couldn’t? Oh but! Heat, cold, excitement, unfamiliar surroundings, nights that are too bright, nights that are too dark, strange noises, thunderstorms, rain, noisy neighbors, sand in the sleeping bag, mosquitoes or simply being in an incredibly good mood – all this means that your child simply does not want to sleep . The strange thing is:

6. You don’t mind being overtired.

Must be due to all the fresh air. Or the coffee you sip all day. Before you switch to red wine.

7. Mosquitoes love babies.

And the sight of that crumble cake that was once your kid will break your heart. Good thing the babies can’t see themselves.

8. A day in a tent because of the rain can be incredibly comfortable!

Three days is hell. Five days makes you seriously consider making a stealthy trip to New Zealand.

9. Baby’s stomach can take a lot more than you thought.

Much, much more. sand for example. Earth. Grass. Fruit fallen from the table. Dirty Cookies. small leaves. Small branches. And every now and then an animal. The good thing is:

10. You shed your fear of creepy crawlies.

You also have no other choice: if large spiders or wasps are crawling over your child, you just HAVE to keep your cool. Survival of the Fittest and such. You can get hysteria back in town.

11. You won’t know what “dirt” really means until you’ve gone camping.

Sand, dust, mud: the dirt is just everywhere! In the tent, in the sleeping bag, in the child’s hair, in its nostrils, in its butt crack, in your butt crack. Our tip: Live with it. accept him Yes, also the black feet. It does not work? Then plan an extra suitcase. For the wet wipes.

12. And even though it’s all pretty exhausting, you come home totally refreshed.

A camping holiday is simply more intense on all levels! Even if we are very happy to have our own bathroom again afterwards.

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