Can Bitcoin Slow Down Before Halving?

The world of cryptocurrencies is in full turmoil as the next Bitcoin Halving approaches, scheduled for April 2024. This event, which takes place approximately every four years, is a major turning point for Bitcoin, influencing its scarcity and, therefore, , his value. In this article, we will explore the implications of Halving on Bitcoin and whether it may cause a slowdown ahead of the event.

The Halving Mechanism

Bitcoin Halving is a scheduled event that halves the reward given to miners for adding new blocks to the blockchain. This happens every 210,000 blockseither approximately every four years. Since the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, the reward has already been reduced several times, from 50 to 25, then to 12.5, and currently at 6.25 Bitcoins per block​​. This mechanism guarantees the scarcity of Bitcoin, an essential characteristic for preserving its value.

Bitcoin halving planned for April or May 2024, reducing block reward from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC. However, data from NiceHash suggests that it could occur from January 2024, bringing forward the planned date​​. This anticipation was corroborated by analyst Jason A. Williams, who predicts a more favorable environment for Bitcoin miners as the halving approaches.

Impact on Price and Market

Halving directly influences the supply and demand dynamics of Bitcoin. By reducing the amount of new BTC put on the market, it causes a decrease in supply. If the request remains constant or increases, Bitcoin prices should theoretically rise. This process creates a scarcity effect, which can push the price upwards. With the possible arrival of Bitcoin ETFs, it is very possible that its price will increase.

Bitcoin’s controlled supply, limited to 21 million coins, plays a key role in its value. The halving mechanism gradually reduces the production rate of new BTCreinforcing this scarcity and, potentially, increasing demand​​.

Historically, halvings have been associated with significant increases in the price of Bitcoin. For example, after the halving of 2016, the price reached approximately $19,700 in December 2017. Likewise, following the halving of May 2020, Bitcoin reached a historic peak of nearly $69,000 in November 2021​.

Halving History
Bitcoin price history – logarithmic scale with halvings marked. Source: Illuminate The Night.

Market Perception and Expectations

Halvings often generate enthusiasm and increased attention. Anticipation of reduced supply and potential price increases is fueling optimism among investors and traders. However, it is important to note that market sentiment can be mixed, with uncertainty and short-term price fluctuations​​.

Predictions for 2024

For the current 2024, a bullish forecast places the price of Bitcoin at $74,560.79. This forecast is supported by a notable rally in Bitcoin over the past 12 months, suggesting a possible rise to $157,406.10 in the years to come.


As the next halving approaches, the Bitcoin market is showing signs of dynamism. Reduction in supply coupled with increasing demand could lead to higher prices. However, uncertainties and volatility remain factors to consider. The key for investors will be to carefully monitor market trends and prepare for potential fluctuations as we approach this crucial event.

Source: Bitnation, CoinDesk, Illuminate The Night

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