Can the bank refuse me a loan because of a bad DPE?

According to the broker Vousfinancer, more and more banks are taking a close interest in the energy performance diagnosis (EPD) of a home before financing the borrowers’ project.

Whether real estate credit news is your favorite, or you are looking to embark on a purchasing project, you know: obtaining a loan can be complicated. A reality that is all the stronger if the property you are looking at deteriorates a poor diagnosis of energy performance. According to the broker Vousfinancer, banks are in fact increasingly cautious about financing the purchase of a property poorly classified in the DPE.

We can already see that certain banks, when purchasing a property with a DPE F or G for a main residence, ask for an additional 10% personal contribution or agree to grant the loan only if a work envelope is planned, or if a work loan is included in the financing, which can weigh on debt, says Julie Bachet, general director of Vousfinancer, in a press release. On this type of poorly performing property, some banks do not finance more than 90% of the value of the property.

Goods already deducted

This disenchantment of banks with poorly classified properties can be explained by several factors. While housing with a DPE F or G will gradually be prohibited from renting (2025 for G housing, 2028 for housing classified F), the prices of these goods continue to fall. Certain real estate agency networks thus report losses of up to 30% for properties classified F or G compared to a property classified D.

The DPE is more and more often part of the descriptive elements required to assess the proposed project. This is the responsibility of each establishment. In addition, it is essential to know the level of DPE when it comes to a rental investment in order to to assess the customer’s ability to rent it over the duration of the requested creditreports the French Banking Federation, contacted by Le Figaro.

DPE, energy audit… Are these mandatory diagnostics for your home reliable?

Additionally, while energy costs are likely to increase for many households, the acquisition of energy-intensive housing can put borrowers in financial dangera risk which is passed on to the lending bank.

The energy quality of goods is now taken into account by banks in the same way as the borrower’s income or their professional situation because it impacts the liquidity of the property, its future resale price, but also the household’s constrained expenses. … So many factors which come into play in the risk assessment carried out by the bank when making the decision to grant or not the credit, summarizes Sandrine Allonier, spokesperson for Vousfinancer.

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