Can we say that there are 13% unemployed in France?

THE CHEKING PROCESS – On Radio Classique, Monday morning, the director of the Ifrap Foundation, Agnès Verdier-Molinié, wondered whether France had 8% or 13% of unemployed people.

THE QUESTION. According to the latest figures communicated by INSEE, France had 2.4 million unemployed in the 3rd quarter of 2021, which represents 8.1% of the active population. Either a level identical to that of 4and quarter of 2019, therefore pre-crisis. But for the director of the Ifrap Foundation, Agnès Verdier-Molinié, the situation needs to be qualified.

I consider that we were told that everything was better on the unemployment front, that the figures were extraordinary. Except that around unemployment, there are about two million people who are not employed, who would like to work but who are not immediately available. And so we consider that we do not count them among the unemployed“, she explains Monday morning. By adding these people,we are not at 8%, we are at 13%unemployment, adds Agnès Verdier-Molinié. But can we really say that France has 13% unemployment?

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