can we touch it if we are going to settle abroad?

Do you dream of retiring to another country to enjoy a little rest under a new sky? You are not alone: ​​millions of retired French people choose to settle abroad. Here are the steps to follow to continue to receive your pension outside France.

Sunny days under a new sun… A dream cherished by many French people wishing to settle abroad when the end of their professional career comes to an end. If the idea can seduce more than one, it is however accompanied by an existential question: can one touch his retirement pension while settling abroad? Good news if you want to spend your old age somewhere else, you are not alone.

Like thousands of French people who have made this choice, you can absolutely receive your French pension while deciding to move to the country of your choice.. Indeed, the fact of moving abroad to live there all year round does not call into question the right to receive your retirement pension, as specified by the national old-age insurance fund (Cnav), the body responsible for the distribution of pensions intended for retirees. On its site, we can even measure the share of retired people who have chosen to settle in another country while receiving their pension.

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The choice of a million retirees

A decision that seems to be successful with this segment of the population. Among the 15,049,171 retirees receiving a basic pension under the general scheme (including former self-employed workers), 1,087,595 (i.e. 7.2%) live in a foreign country”, reveal the statistics of the national fund. Be careful, however, not to confuse retirement pension and solidarity allowances, two distinct devices which do not share the same rights.

Indeed, while it is quite possible to continue to receive a retirement pension from abroad, the solidarity allowance for the elderly (Aspa) and the supplementary disability allowance (ASI) cannot, on the other hand, not be touched from another country. Like most social aid issued by the State, these are subject to a right of residence on French soil. The fact of settling to live outside France and the overseas departments therefore puts an end to this right.

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What are the steps to follow to receive a pension from abroad? “If you live abroad and you receive a French pension (personal or reversion), you receive a life certificate each year. You must answer it every year, whatever your nationality, by having it completed by the competent local authority of your country of residence (eg: town hall, police station, etc.). “, specifies the Cnav.

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