can you cancel your pension request?

This is one of the many small lines of pension reform. The law of April 14, 2023, which notably raised the legal age from 62 to 64, temporarily authorizes certain people to request“cancellation of their pension or their application for a pension”.

The conditions: have made your pension request before 1er September 2023, date of application of the reform, with a view to retirement coming into force after this date. A decree specifies that the cancellation request must be addressed to the pension funds “no later than October 31, 2023”. There is no explanation to provide or any additional conditions. And the request cannot be refused.

“Upon receipt of the request, the fund will cancel the pension”thus describes a Retirement Insurance circular (the general regime). The law targets seniors whose application is currently being examined as well as those who have already received their pension notification, and even those whose pension has already started to be paid.

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This point of the law facilitates the cancellation process in a context where policyholders have been able, in recent months, to make their decision to leave without fully mastering the new calculation rules applying to their generation – this reform has been applied almost immediately. However, this possibility of cancellation, between now and the end of October, should only concern a few policyholders, several plans explained to us.

Friendly appeal committee

In practice, if you take the step, “remember to send a cancellation request to all your funds, including supplementary plans”specifies François Nentwik, of Agirc-Arrco, the supplementary scheme for private sector employees. “Despite the single online retirement request, which is increasingly used, a request for cancellation in one plan does not systematically apply to others”we add to the National Old-Age Insurance Fund for Liberal Professions (CNAVPL).

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What if you miss the October 31 deadline? And if you requested your retirement after the 1er september ? The date of the retirement request is certainly often the result of a long reflection and learned financial calculations, but unexpected events can encourage you to reconsider a choice, even if carefully considered, at the last minute and to “refill” for a few more quarters – a sudden need for money, the sudden death of a spouse, an attractive offer from the employer, etc. Agirc-Arrco estimates that approximately 5% of annual retirement requests result in cancellation or postponement.

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