Can you get pregnant during your period? : Current Woman Le MAG

Is it possible to get pregnant at any time of the cycle, even during rules ?

How does a menstrual cycle work?

A menstrual cycle begins on the first day of menstruation, they can last between 3 and 8 days, generally around 5.ovulation then occurs approximately 14 days before the next period. On a classic 28-day cycle, ovulation theoretically occurs on the fourteenth day, in the middle of the cycle.

This first phase of the cycle is called the follicular phase, one of the ovaries matures a follicle, which will become an egg. The latter is released at the time of ovulation and dies approximately 12 to 24 hours later, if it has not been fertilized by sperm. During this time, the endometrium prepares to accommodate a possible embryo.

The second phase of the cycle, after ovulation, is called luteal phase. If the egg has not been fertilized, it will be damaged, along with the endometrium. They will then be evacuated during the next period, during bleeding.

There fertile period, in a woman, is found around the day of ovulation. You can be fertile about 5 days before, but more generally 3, and up to a day after. Indeed, sperm can survive 3 to 5 days in the uterine cavity, waiting for the egg to be released by the ovary.

Is it possible to get pregnant during your period?

It is therefore possible to get pregnant during your period if you have short cycles or long periods. For example, if you ovulate on day 10 of your cycle and have an 8-day period, you can potentially get pregnant when your period ends.

So it all depends on the cycle duration, and especially the moment when ovulation occurs. Periods do not prevent you from getting pregnant, although it is not usually a fertile time for most women. Additionally, period blood can change vaginal pH.

What to do to avoid getting pregnant during your period?

To avoid getting pregnant during your period, you can first try to calculate your ovulation date. If your cycles are regular, subtract 14 days to approximately know this date. For example, if you have 23-day cycles, this means that your ovulation theoretically occurs on the ninth day of the cycle. You can be fertile up to 5 days before this date, so from the fifth day of your cycle. This may be about the end of your period.

Furthermore, to avoid taking any risks, it is advisable to use a contraception during sexual intercourse. You can choose hormonal contraception (pill, hormonal IUD, patch, implant, vaginal ring, etc.), a copper IUD, or even opt for the use of condoms, which also have the advantage of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases.

Be aware that there is no period of the cycle that is completely risk-free for pregnancy, although the chances are lower outside the fertile window.

To conceive, can you continue to have sex during your period?

The chance to conceive a child during her period is low, however nothing prevents you from continuing to have unprotected sex during this period, if your wish is to have a baby.

It will, however, be more effective to focus the reports after menstruation, during fertility window. To successfully target it, you can do calculations if you have regular cycles, but there are also other methods: taking your body temperature every morning when you wake up before getting up, ovulation tests, observing mucus cervical.

It is also advisable for both partners to adopt a better lifestyle to improve their chances of conceiving. So, quitting tobacco, alcohol, and even coffee can be beneficial. You can also take folic acid, this will not help you get pregnant, but it is an important contribution to make before a pregnancyin order to reduce the risk of malformations, such as spina bifida.

Can you get pregnant if you don’t have a period?

A amenorrhea, i.e. an absence of periods, does not mean that ovulation cannot occur. The risk of becoming pregnant is therefore always present, even in perimenopause. If you do not want to get pregnant, continue to use contraception.

If, on the other hand, you want to have a child but you no longer have your periods, without knowing the reason, talk to your doctor, your midwife or your gynecologist, to identify the causes of this amenorrhea.


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