Can you really get rich with memecoins?

In this article you will learn:

  • Whether investing in Memecoins is pure (and rigged) gambling or is there more to it
  • How Memecoiners tick
  • Whether you can really get rich with Memecoins

First visit to the small stage: A man with a cardboard box over his head is discussing nationcoins with a guy in a wrestling outfit, according to them “they are the future”. The principle is simple: each country, one coin. Germany’s coin is pumping right now. Russia is not. Instead, a cartoon version of Vladimir Putin is doing push-ups in the background. The vibe here at Memecon – the world’s first memecoin conference – lives up to the tokens’ shrill and controversial reputation.

76 partners, magic shows, cosplayers, performers, beach parties and panels with titles like “Can’t you guys be normal?”, “Fuck it” or “Lets get rekt!” await visitors here. For the first time, Memecon is part of the Non Fungible Conference in Lisbon, which has been taking place since 2022 and is probably one of the most creative and entertaining crypto meetings in the world. From May 28th to 29th, it will be all about digital art and artificial intelligence, crypto gaming, ordinal NFTs and Web3 fashion. And now also: Memecoins.

The memecoin boom of this bull run is surrounded by an aura of mystery and great skepticism: unlike regular cryptocurrencies, memecoins have no use case. And they even flirt with it. They are, in the truest sense of the word, magic internet money. And a feast for scammers: there is more fraud in this area than in any other area. So why are they booming so much? We travel to Memecon with questions like these in mind.

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