Canal+ is unavailable at Free and Bouygues Telecom, discontent is growing among subscribers

First unavailable on Freeboxes following a technical incident, Canal+ is now no longer responding on Bouygues Telecom boxes. For the moment, this malfunction is still relevant and Canal+ technical services are working to resolve it.

canal+ bug box operators
Credits: Canal+

But what is happening with Canal+? Since December 4, 2023, some subscribers of the encrypted channel have been experiencing all the difficulties in the world to access the service from their Free box. For affected users, a message of lack of rights is displayed on the screen. Result, impossible to access Canal+.

Discontent quickly rose on social networks and the technical services of Canal+ quickly published an incident report on the official support website. This December 6, the encrypted channel announced “that a technical operation was carried out during the afternoon. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to restart your Freebox”.

However, the blocking is still relevant for many subscribers. “Unable to reactivate rights. All manipulations have been done (reboot/HDMI unplugged and reconnected/hardware section, etc.) and still nothing”, writes a user on the support page. However, after Free, it is now the turn of Canal subscribers via Bouygues Telecom to encounter the same problem.

canal+ bug box operatorscanal+ bug box operators
Capture Canal+ Assistance

Also read: Bouygues Telecom in turn uses the same technique as its competitors to increase its prices

After Free, Canal+ is making moves on Bouygues Telecom boxes

Here again, the Canal+ teams published an incident report: “We inform you that you may encounter a message of absence of rights on Bouygues boxes. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience. You can follow the resolution of this incident by clicking “Follow this topic below”.

As we write these lines, the resolution is still awaited. Where the problem lies is that we still don’t know the origin of the problem… The icing on the cake, if we are to believe the statements of several subscribers on the support page, this malfunction does not only concern Bouygues and Free subscribers. This would also be the case at Orange, SFR, but also on the encrypted channel’s Android application. For the moment, Canal+ has not opened an incident report on these other platforms.

And you, are you affected by this error message of absence of Canal+ rights? Tell us in the comments.

Source: UniversFreebox

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