Cancel your Germany ticket: If you’re not careful, it’ll quickly get expensive!

Buy at the machine, get in and drive off? This doesn’t work everywhere with the Deutschland Ticket. Because for 49 euros there is only a monthly subscription that can be canceled. Households who do not purchase the product within a certain period of time must switch to monthly, weekly or daily tickets from the provider. And if you don’t cancel in time, you’ll continue to pay – without perhaps wanting to.

FOCUS online advises: If the Germany ticket is no longer available from your regional bus and train provider because there is a booking deadline, those affected should book the 49 euro ticket with Deutsche Bahn. Purchases can be made there at any time for the current month.

If you only want to use the subscription for one or a few months, you should pay attention to the notice periods. Otherwise the subscription continues as normal.

What are the notice periods?

The notice periods for transport companies in Germany vary depending on the provider.

For example, at Deutsche Bahn, the Deutschland-Ticket subscription must be canceled by the 10th of a calendar month at the latest in order to be effective for the following month. The same applies to the Munich Transport Company (MVG) and the Dresden Transport Company (DVB).

With the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), the Deutschlandticket can be canceled at the end of each month.

FOCUS online advises: Who quit If you would like to do so, you should contact the relevant transport company directly at least 30 days in advance to find out about the applicable deadlines or see the relevant contractual conditions.

One in ten people has already canceled their ticket

More than ten percent of buyers have already canceled their Deutschlandticket, which is only available as a subscription and allows travel on local and regional transport nationwide. This was the result of nationwide market research, as the Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) announced upon request.

However, customers use the monthly cancellation option for the Deutschlandticket in different ways. Seven percent of those who had previously had a different local transport subscription canceled their subscription. For new customers who have previously purchased single tickets, the cancellation rate is 17 percent. Among new customers, who were previously mostly drivers and hardly used public transport, the cancellation rate is 19 percent.

“It comes and goes,” said a spokesman for the association. All customer groups make use of the flexible option of monthly cancellation. For commuters, for example, vacation could play a role if they cancel their subscription and then resubscribe after a few weeks. Other passengers, on the other hand, use the Deutschlandticket for nationwide travel on local and regional transport during their vacation in Germany.

Where can I buy the 49 euro ticket?

The states and the responsible transport companies sell the ticket. Consumers can also buy it via DB sales channels such as, DB Navigator and DB route agent, as well as at DB travel centers throughout Germany.

The 49 euro ticket is offered as a subscription. It is possible to book once for the month of May. However, you then have to cancel the season ticket again at the end of the month.

Who benefits from the 49 euro ticket?

People who previously paid more than 49 euros per month or 588 euros per year for their monthly tickets benefit from the Deutschlandticket. You can use the bus and train card nationwide.

If your monthly ticket costs less than 49 euros, you have to check whether the Germany ticket is even worth it for you. Although you can use the 49 euro ticket nationwide, it often doesn’t help commuters. In this case, the 49 euro ticket is only lucrative during the holiday season and on weekends.

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