Candidacy 2024, bad vision: Trump: Biden should threaten Russia with nuclear annihilation

Candidacy 2024, bad vision
Trump: Biden should threaten Russia with nuclear annihilation

By David Needy

Former US President Trump suggests his successor Biden should threaten Russia with nuclear weapons. In his first public speech since the attack on Ukraine, the Republican shows what another Trump presidency would mean in the new world.

Donald Trump spoke less than an hour during a speech to Republicans in Florence, South Carolina, on Saturday evening (local time). Still, he managed to craft a frightening enough vision of what the United States might be like should he run for and win the presidency in 2024.

According to the Swiss newspaper Blick, the former US President said at the rally: “Putin is not the only one with nuclear weapons.” Trump said he believed the threat of nuclear weapons would deter Russia. “We have a lot more. Tell them that, finally,” he said to US President Joe Biden. In an interview with Fox News on Thursday, Trump had Biden has previously been asked to threaten Russia with a nuclear strike.

In his first public speech since the beginning of the war, the Republican condemned the violence and the “brutal invasion” of Russia and said he believed the conflict could lead to “World War III”. But he again failed to condemn Vladimir Putin. Shortly before Russia attacked Ukraine, Trump even praised Putin.

Rather, Trump blamed Biden for the war in Ukraine. “Under Joe Biden, America is neither feared nor respected. Our country has never been treated as it is now,” Trump said. “Other countries lecture us and tell us what to do. And that’s why we see chaos, chaos and bloodshed all over the world.”

The US now had no one who could talk to the Russian President. “They had someone in me to talk to,” Trump said. “No one has ever been harder on Russia than me.” Referring to Nord Stream 2, the Republican said, “I’m the one who stopped the pipeline. I had to stop it.” Although the gas pipeline was a thorn in Trump’s side for a long time, he did not stop it. “I’m the one he (Putin) didn’t attack during our administration,” Trump continued. During his tenure, it was his “personality” that kept the United States out of the war.

Trump also once again praised himself for the Ukrainian resistance, praising the military support given to the country during his tenure. However, he failed to mention that he was delaying this military support in order to blackmail Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy into digging up dirt on Biden and his family.

expansion of power

Not only did Trump downplay the effects of climate change in his speech, he was adamant about winning the 2020 election. Even more disturbing is his preview of what another Trump administration might look like. Because once again the Republican more than indicated that he would run again in 2024, even if he officially confirmed the step. Trump said to thunderous applause, “In 2024 we’re going to take back this beautiful, beautiful White House. We’ll probably have to compete again.”

In the new, more volatile world created by Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Trump would not shy away from nuclear threats – making the world even more unsafe and dangerous. The ex-president also said that if he were reinstated, he would want to get rid of anyone on the executive branch who is not sufficiently loyal. “We will pass crucial reforms that can fire any executive branch worker by the President of the United States.”

So Trump is proposing a drastic expansion of the President’s powers. In times like these, these are even worse signs than they already are. Running again would be a threat to the entire world.

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