Cannabis approvals – Upper Austria does not want to be “smoked” without limits

Not only in Germany, but also in the Czech Republic, the more or less extensive release of cannabis cultivation and consumption is now planned, for which EU rules would first have to be changed. Violent protest against all this from the ÖVP in Upper Austria.

Tomorrow, Monday (June 26), is “World Drug Day”, which is not a holiday for cannabis smokers, etc., but the “International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking”. However, Germany is planning to partially get away from the abuse of the illicit and to allow the consumption of cannabis, for which, however, EU regulations would also have to be relaxed – like himself in the caricature – certainly don’t let “smoke in” limitlessly. This also applies to the Czech Republic, from where a “cannabis glut” is now threatening, as OÖVP party manager Florian Hiegelsberger points out. There is now a government plan on the table, according to which cannabis liberalization in the Czech Republic from 2025 would be even more extensive than in Germany lead to a European anti-drug policy. Therefore, Austria’s Health Minister Rauch and Justice Minister Zadic must finally express Austria’s clear anti-drug stance at EU level. There must not be a millimeter of room for negotiation on this issue, nor should there be a wink!” The ÖVP and FPÖ have already poured that into a motion in the state parliament. Key sentence: “The Oö. The state government is asked to work with the federal government to ensure that cannabis is not legalized at European level.” is clearly against the cannabis release in Germany. We do not know personally about the South Bohemian district captain Martin Kuba (left), but as Hiegelsberger knows, his liberal-conservative party ODS is a driving force behind the law on “controlled cannabis cultivation” in Prague.
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