Cannes Film Festival – Bella Hadid: Her dress with holes reveals a curious jewel

The whole film crew Broker – The Lucky Stars walked the steps of the red carpet on May 26, 2022 at the Cannes Film Festival. But not only ! As usual for several years, Bella Hadid was present to do the show. Angelique in a long white dress, the young model of 25 was more smiling than usual. A detail on her dress intrigued, a hole cut (voluntarily) at the hips which reveals a daring jewel. This isn’t the first year Bella has made a name for herself with a statement piece of jewelry at Cannes.

Marina Foïs, Ariane Séguillon, Jacques Weber and Gaspard Noé also climbed the prestigious red steps, as did the president of this 75th edition, Vincent Lindon.

After winning the Palme d’Or in 2018 for the film A family matter, director Hirokazu Kore-Eda signs his great return to France with this feature film which tackles a divisive subject in Asia, that of baby boxes: baby boxes that allow a child to be abandoned completely anonymously. A phenomenon that would unfortunately be booming in South Korea since the toughening of adoption laws.

The pitch of this film shot in South Korea? “One rainy night, a young woman abandons her baby. He is illegally picked up by two men, determined to find him a new family. During an unusual and unexpected journey across the country, the destiny of those who meet this child will be profoundly changed.

In 2020, the Japanese director confided how he had met the actors of the film: “I first met Song Kang-ho at the Busan International Film Festival and Kang Dong-won when he was working in Tokyo. I kept in touch with these two actors in Tokyo, Seoul, Busan and Cannes. At the beginning, we simply encouraged each other, but by dint of talking we naturally came to talk about making a film together. I worked with Bae Doona in 2009 and I said to myself: ‘I hope we can work together again, this time with a human character (she played an inflatable doll in Air Doll, Ed)’, and this dream is was made more than 10 years later.”

The cinema release of Broker – The Good Stars is scheduled for December 7, 2022.

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