Can’t play Helldivers 2? He is a victim of his incredible success

Helldiverse 2 attracts more and more people. The developers had not necessarily anticipated such traffic for their multiplayer game available on PC and PS5.

Full servers. Please try again later »: this is the message that I was able to read on Sunday February 18, 2024, shortly after 11 p.m., when I wanted to start a game ofHelldiverse 2 — the phenomenon of the moment. A friend told me that he had had problems connecting throughout the weekend. The game, available on PS5 and PC since February 8, is a victim of its incredible success: due to ultra-positive word of mouth, everyone wants to play Helldiverse 2.

Except that the developers had obviously not anticipated such massive success. Helldiverse 2 is one of those rare titles which observes a growth curve more than ten days after its release. Steam statistics prove it: the record peak of players connected at the same time was achieved this Monday, February 19 (407,833). It was 150,000 after the first weekend.

An error message in Helldivers 2 // Source: PS5 Capture
An error message in Helldivers 2. // Source: PS5 Capture

Too many people want to play Helldivers 2

Arrowhead Game Studios is aware of the many problems observed by the servers ofHelldiverse 2. In a tweet published on February 17he confided: “ Despite our best efforts to increase the capacity of our servers to accommodate everyone who wants to fight for freedom, we are experiencing capacity issues. We are still working hard to resolve this issue and hope to deploy a fix as quickly as possible. » Developers are increasing the number of updates to provide a better technical basis for their game.

The success of Helldivers 2 is growing // Source: SteamDB screenshotThe success of Helldivers 2 is growing // Source: SteamDB screenshot
The success of Helldivers 2 is growing // Source: SteamDB screenshot

For the moment, the public does not seem to hold it against him too much:

Openly inspired by Starship Troopers, Helldiverse 2 attracts, because it puts cooperation at the center of the gameplay and because it can provide quite unforgettable moments. To spend a lively evening with friends, it is a more than serious candidate. As a bonus, it relies on a high challenge which contrasts with its zany tone.

Obviously, this success was not lost on Phil Spencer. The big boss of Xbox told Game File (via Gamespot): “ When I see a game like Helldivers, and it’s a great game, kudos to the teams for launching on PC and PlayStation, I wonder if it really helps the industry not to see it on Xbox. » One thing is certain: availability on Xbox would not help the servers ofHelldiverse 2.

For further

Helldivers 2 // Source: PS5 CaptureHelldivers 2 // Source: PS5 Capture

Helldivers 2 // Source: PS5 CaptureHelldivers 2 // Source: PS5 Capture

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