Cape Girardeau, Missouri – Mugshot with a toothpaste smile – she previously killed her boyfriend with a sword



Brittany Wilson shines in the police photo as if she has no worries in the world. She has only just admitted to having killed her boyfriend.

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What a beaming smile: Brittany Wilson’s mugshot isn’t exactly typical for a police photo.

Cape Girardeau Police Department

  • In Missouri, a woman confessed to killing her boyfriend with a sword. Before that, they would have used drugs.

  • She is charged with murder and is now in prison in the town of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

  • Has the 32-year-old grasped the seriousness of the situation? Your police photo raises doubts.

In the city of Cape Girardeau in southeast Missouri, police arrested a 32-year-old woman who apparently had killed her boyfriend with a sword.

Officials found Brittany Wilson on the porch of the house where her partner lived. Her clothes were covered in blood stains and she immediately confessed to having killed 34-year-old Harrison with multiple blows in her own basement.

The reason: Your partner has had “several other beings” who lived in his body for several months, and she has now freed him from them. Wilson later told the interrogating officers that she and her boyfriend had been using drugs such as methamphetamine the day before, US media reports.

Two million dollars in cash

The 32-year-old has now been charged with first degree murder and taken to Cape Girardeau City Prison. The police have not yet given any further details.

Wilson smiled brightly in the police photo. She may have lost that when the court put her bail at $ 2 million in cash. On the Facebook account of the Cape Girardeau police, a user commented on the atypical mugshot: “Don’t do drugs, kids. Meth is bad. ”



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