Caped Crusader: the next Batman animated series reveals a promising teaser

Batman: Caped Crusader coming soon to Prime VIdeo


Long-awaited, and moved from Max to Prime Video, the animated series Batman: Caped Crusader is soon a reality. While waiting for a full trailer, Amazon revealed a first teaser allowing us to discover the voice casting and provided a release date on the streaming service: August 1, 2024.

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Hamish Linklater is…Batman

We learn that some great people responded to play the Penguin, Catwoman, Clayface, Firebug and other Harley Quinn. We will notably note the names of Toby Stephens (Black Sails), McKenna Grace (Ghostbusters), Jamie Chung (Big Hero 6), Christina Ricci (The Addams Family), John Dimaggio (Futurama), Reid Scott (Veep) or even Tom Kenny (Spongebob).

  • Watch the teaser for Batman: Caped Crusader :

Above all, it is Hamish Linklater who will have the heavy responsibility of playing Bruce Wayne/Batman. The actor, notably seen in the series Fargo Or Legionwill in fact take over from the late Kevin Conroy, historic voice of the DC hero since 1992. Linklater will also be involved in season 2 of Gen Vthe spin-off of The Boysstill for Prime Video.

A dream team for this return to Gotham

Set of course once again in Gotham City, but this time in the 1940s and in a noir style, Batman: Caped Crusader maintains the mystery around its plot.

This should remain within the usual framework, Bruce Wayne becoming the Dark Knight to protect his city from thugs and criminals, helped in his quest by the GCPD and its allies at town hall.

Batman and Alfred

A trailer coming soon!


But beyond the casting, there are some great names hidden in the creation. In various positions, including executive producing, Matt Reeves (The Batmanthe trilogy of The Planet of the Apes), JJ Abrams (Star Wars and many other things), Ed Brubaker (prolific comic book writer, including Batman) and especially Bruce Timm (Batman: The Animated Series) are in charge.

Real fans from the first hour of the Dark Knight therefore, who strongly make us want to believe in this project. Answer on August 1st on Prime Video.

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