(Boursier.com) — Capgemini wins 1.3% to 171.1 euros at the end of the morning in Paris. Invest Securities raised its recommendation on the SSII to ‘buy’ while raising its target from 178 to 200 euros. Like other Tech best-in-class in Europe, CapGemini suffered on the stock market in 2022 (-18 bps), with impressive operational performance taking a back seat to rising rates, says the broker.
If the latter was tempted, at the end of October, to remain ‘neutral’ until the publication of the 2022 results in February to have more visibility on 2023, the continuation of the recent underperformance (-7pts over 1 month), combined with the easing of the risk premium and interest rates lead it to go on the offensive. The analysis thinks that the group should be able to resist much better than in previous recessionary cycles…
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