Caren Miosga: She misses her “Daily Issues” anniversary

Caren Miosga
She misses her “Daily Issues” anniversary

Caren Miosga was infected with the corona virus just before her anniversary.

© NDR/Hendrik Lüders

Caren Miosga has been the face of “Daily Issues” for 15 years. However, she cannot celebrate her anniversary because of a corona infection.

“Man, that’s stupid. Today of all days, on my happy day […]unfortunately I can’t be in the studio,” Caren Miosga opens a video clip in which she reveals that she has been infected with the corona virus. Today, July 16, she would have celebrated her anniversary at the “Tagesthemen”. Miosga has been years the face of the ARD news magazine.

“If you’re looking forward to your anniversary show and #Corona puts a spoke in your wheel… Get well soon, dear Caren Miosga”, it says in a post on the Twitter account of the “daily topics”, to which the video is also attached. In the clip, she goes on to say that unfortunately she has “exactly what everyone else feels like right now”. Miosga wishes “everyone who is also struggling with this crazy virus that you will get well again very quickly”. She also thanked her for the numerous congratulations on the anniversary that she had received.

In September Miosga gets a record

Caren Miosga replaced her predecessor Anne Will (56) on July 16, 2007 on “Daily Issues”. It will probably remain with the viewers for at least about three years after their compulsory Corona break. According to the NDR, your contract has been extended until 2025. In September she will then become the longest-serving moderator of the format. At around 15 years and two months, the record is currently held by Ulrich Wickert (79).


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