Carmen Geiss: This is what the former “Miss Fitness” used to look like

Happy Birthday, Carmen Geiss!
This is what the former “Miss Fitness” used to look like

Carmen Geiss was born on May 5, 1965 in Cologne.


Carmen Geiss will be 56 years old on May 5, 2021. See here how the millionaire wife of Robert Geiss has changed during this time.

Health and their appearance have always been important to Cologne’s cheerful nature, this can be clearly seen in old snapshots of Carmen Geiss. In 1982 the then 17-year-old won the German “Miss Fitness” election. In 1992 she married her “Roooobert”, in 2003 and 2004 the two daughters followed.

From “Miss Fitness” to “Miss Jetset”

In the video you can see how the mother of two and entrepreneur has changed over the last few decades and has become the Carmen who can be seen regularly on television today.

Source: RTL

mmu / Teaser image: Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock, RTL