Carole Bouquet shares a photo of her egg hunt with her adorable granddaughter: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Carole Bouquet has a hard time settling down! Monday January 22, 2024, the actress announced on her Instagram account being injured after a heavy fall in his shower. “Okay, I broke the ceramic in the shower but not my bones! 30 stitches“, she quipped in the caption of two photos showing her first at her face, then at her leg. But that didn’t make Carole Bouquet slow down in her schedule. The renowned actress assured that she wanted to get back on stage: “But I’m going to play Bérénice in Toulon. The costume that was a dress is not going to be possible. And heels either… So barefoot and the scene in bed clothed!”she told her subscribers.

Finally, Carole Bouquet performed from January 24 to 26, 2024 at the Théâtre Liberté Grand Hôtel in Toulon. A role that she has already played several times, under the aegis of different directors. But the actress was still very happy to play Bérénice on stage: “It is Racine who fascinates me much more than Bérénice. This masterpiece does not astonish me only by the modernity of his writing but also by the fact that there are no crimes, that no one kill each other, that this speaks of renunciation”, she detailed to FranceinfoOctober 4, 2023.

Carole Bouquet, grandmother: “A dream day”

Sunday March 31, 2024, it was always with great enthusiasm that Carole Bouquet spoke on her Instagram account. The actress remembers, on this Easter Sunday, a memorable egg hunt with her granddaughter, Gaia, while France was experiencing its first confinement, in 2020.An Easter Sunday with one of my little girls Gaia, during COVID when her mother was going to give birth to another little Paloma”, she began. Then, Carole Bouquet remembered with tenderness that she had been able, through this egg hunt, to bring help to her son, Louis: “So during these months of COVID that I loved so much, because I was useful between nanny, grandmother, cook, and my son Louis had rolled down the stairs and was therefore immobilized for months.

This day of the egg hunt, Carole Bouquet had to follow her granddaughter’s unstoppable pace. And the cheerful grandmother had obviously performed like a boss! “Memory of joy and sweetness and laughter. There we were, we were looking for the hidden chocolates, her head was spinning. Caiolle had hidden far too many chickens and rabbits! But a dream day”. A nice souvenir.

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