Veronica Ferres was exposed as a bee on "The Masked Singer". Husband Carsten Maschmeyer reveals how he experienced the performance.
A German actor turned out to be a bee: Veronica Ferres (55, "Das Superweib") surprised on Tuesday with her appearance on "The Masked Singer". In the ProSieben show, in which celebrities in elaborate costumes present vocal interludes on stage, Ferres only made a short trip and had to be unmasked in the first show. Her husband Carsten Maschmeyer (61) is nevertheless very proud of his wife: "I thought it was great how much self-confidence and humor Veronica mastered her appearance", he explains in an interview with the news agency spot on news.
The actress was also more than successful in the transformation: "I think few would have guessed that Veronica was really in this colorful bee costume. And many people didn't guess Veronica, but Désirée Nick," says Maschmeyer. He experienced the "courageous appearance" of his wife with Veronica Ferres' daughter Lilly (19) at home on TV. "I am glad that the season finale of 'Die Höhle der Löwen' did not run on the same evening, also on Tuesday, as originally planned, but the day before. Otherwise we would have raced against each other on different channels," explains Maschmeyer who appears as an investor in the start-up show mentioned and wants to help start-ups to succeed.
Secrecy became a challenge
"The Masked Singer" also demands a lot from the candidates away from the stage. "The shoot was something like a secret commando matter that also posed some challenges for us as a family: We couldn't and weren't allowed to tell many of our friends where Veronica is," says Maschmeyer, who is the short "Masked Singer" -Travel can also see something positive from his wife: "Now Lilly and I are happy that we will have Veronica more at home in the next few weeks. After all, she's been on the road enough as an actress and film producer."