Castile soap: what you should know about it

Olive Oil Soap
This is how the Aleppo soap affects the skin and hair

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Olive oil soap is not yet known to many in this country. But maybe that will change soon. The soap is not only sustainable, but also versatile. GALA tells you everything about the panacea.

Olive oil soap originally comes from Syria. More precisely from Aleppo. That is why it is often called Aleppo soap. Although olive soap is a versatile product, it has received very little attention in our cultural circles. Wrongly. Read here about the benefits of olive oil soap for the body, face and hair and why it can even help with skin diseases.

How good is castile soap?

To answer that, we first need to clarify what castile soap is. Basically, the Aleppo soap looks like a conventional solid bar of soap. What is special about it is the traditional manufacturing process and the few natural ingredients that are good for our body.

But be careful: there are now also mass-produced products that call themselves olive soap, but have little to do with the original product. So here’s a tip: Be careful when buying Original products from traditional production. You can recognize these mainly by the ingredients. Real Aleppo soaps are 100 percent natural. They do without dyes, artificial flavors and other synthetic substances. The main ingredients of olive oil soap are olive oil, water and soda. Laurel oil is also often used.

  • olive oil can do much more than just refine food. It is also good for skin and hair. The valuable oil contains minerals and vitamin E. Both are particularly beneficial for sensitive skin. In addition, the unsaturated fatty acids in olive oil can be easily absorbed through the skin and naturally strengthen the skin’s protective barrier.
  • laurel oil is often found in Aleppo soap because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. At the same time, it does not dry out the skin. No wonder that olive oil soap with laurel oil is often used to treat acne and eczema.

Is Olive Soap Good For Your Skin?

Olive oil soap is a true miracle cure for the skin. Unlike conventional soaps, it does not dry out the skin. On the contrary: she is moisturizing. Even dry patches can be minimized with regular use and a little patience. Aleppo soap activates the healing powers and contributes to skin renewal. Incidentally, the soap is too for allergy sufferers and people with skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, as it does not contain any traces of perfume, artificial additives or preservatives. So it is a good alternative to high-priced products from the pharmacy. Olive soap is also well suited for wet shaving because it prevents razor bumps.

Application: Applying castile soap is not difficult. Simply moisten the bar of soap under lukewarm water and then slide it over your body. Alternatively, you can lather the soap in your hands and then massage the product into your skin.

Can you wash your hair with olive oil soap?

As mentioned at the beginning, castile soap not only offers benefits for the skin, but also for our hair. In particular, people who struggle with flaky scalps can use Aleppo soap. The natural remedy can fight dandruff or ensure that it does not appear in the first place. However, until you notice the first improvements, you have to be patient. It takes about two weeks for the scalp and hair to get used to the soap. But the wait is worth it. Many users report a grippier mane, less dandruff and slower greasy hair.

Application: Wet your hair and the olive oil soap under lukewarm water. Then slide the soap bar through the hair and gently massage the product into the scalp and mane. Then rinse off.

Olive oil soap: These purchase criteria must be observed

  • Packaging: Olive soap is a good choice, especially for reasons of sustainability. The only annoying thing is that the packaging is often not sustainable. Here, however, you already notice the first difference between mass-produced and original products. Traditionally made soaps are usually packaged in paper rather than plastic.
  • Production method: High quality Aleppo soap is produced in a traditional way and by hand. This is not true of the numerous imitations that can be found on the market. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to information about the production.
  • Ingredients: The ingredients are the be-all and end-all, because they determine how the product affects your body. If the olive oil soap is to have its full effect, a clean, high-quality product is essential. Olive oil soaps are naturally vegan – at least those that have a traditional recipe. Caution is advised here. Due to many imitations, some of which are made with palm oil, olive soaps are not harmless per se. Pure Olive Soap contains only three ingredients: olive oil, water and soda. If necessary, it can be enriched with harmless ingredients such as laurel oil, honey, or essential oils shea butter be refined.

Which Olive Oil Soap is Right for Me?

The great thing about olive soap is that it is suitable for all skin types. It doesn’t matter whether you have sensitive, dry or impure skin – thanks to the moisturizing and antiseptic effect, the soap cannot damage your skin. In addition, it is suitable for any skin problems – at least if it is free of harmful ingredients. If you tend to have dry or sensitive skin, you should use an Aleppo soap high olive oil content recommended.

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