Cataclysm Classic expands the world of Azeroth on May 21 – Gamosaurus

Deathwing finally emerges from the Maelstrom and unleashes his rage on the world of Azeroth, bringing with him Cataclysm Classic on World of Warcraft on May 21. The launch of the extension is preceded by a patch available from May 1st. We will thus be able to familiarize ourselves with some of the new content, but especially with the new geography of the continents. Because this is where the strength of this extension lies, taking advantage of the cataclysm to recreate the environments already surveyed.

Thus, following the transition from the Aspect of Earth to the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, many aspects of World of Warcraft Classic will change. In addition to the transformed landscapes, the progression will be very different. A large part of the quests allowing you to go from level 1 to 60 have been modified. The talents, trees and spells of each class are revised, as are the characteristics and equipment.

At the same time, we welcome with the pre-launch patch of May 1st the Worgens and Goblins on Cataclysm Classic. The former have pledged allegiance to the Alliance, while the latter join the Horde. New race and class combinations are also available. And Archeology takes its first steps in the game. A busy program, which is in fact only a starting point for the expansion.

The changes of
Cataclysm Classic

When the expansion comes out Cataclysm Classic on May 21, other new features will be added to all this. In particular, players will be able to continue their character progression by going from level 80 to 85 through the campaigns of Mount Hyjal, Vashj’ir, Deeplands, Twilight Highlands and Uldum. They will also be able to unlock the ability to fly in Azeroth, whether in Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms.

During progression, we will be able to discover 6 new dungeons. Blackrock Caverns, Tidethrone, Vortex Peak, Stoneheart, Lost City of the Tol’vir, and Halls of Origin. However, the Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep have been brought up to date. Finally, once at maximum level, Grim Batol will offer a real challenge to the faction controlling the island of Tol Barad. And while waiting for the first content updates, Throne of the Four Winds, Descent of the Blackwing and Bastion of Twilight will be the raids to complete.

But all these changes are not always good news. With higher level and equipment, raids of Wrath of the Lich King Classic no longer represent a challenge. As a result, the Invincible and Mimiron Head mounts become more difficult to obtain. Likewise, Zul’Gurub, Zul’Aman and Crusader’s mounts are disappearing. So this is the last moment to collect them.

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